Twitter Video Maker

Online templates and tips for making Twitter videos

Making videos for Twitter: online templates and tips

Videos are extremely popular on social media, and Twitter is no exception. If you want to make a Twitter video without spending hours on it, this article is for you. Below, you’ll find online templates for making Twitter videos in no time, as well as useful tips to help you make your video even more effective.

Marketers and customers on video effectiveness



of marketers say videos help users understand the product better


of customers say a video has convinced them to buy software


of customers prefer to learn about a new product or service through a short video

Online video templates for Twitter and other social media

Try these ready-made templates to make a perfect video.

Want to learn how to make videos for Twitter? Read the tips below!

1. Make a video that solves a problem

Before tweeting a video, do some research to find out what problems your customers face most often. Think about how your product can help people solve these problems and demonstrate this in your video.

2. Keep it short

How long can Twitter videos be? Normally, Videos on Twitter have a length limit of 140 seconds, but the average is about 40 seconds. If you upload a longer video, it can turn off some users. Get rid of any irrelevant information and focus on what’s really important: the benefits of your product and a call to action.

3. Make it understandable without sound

A great lot of people will watch your video on their mobile device in silent mode. This means you shouldn’t rely too much on the video sound. Add text to your video to make it meaningful even without the voiceover and background music.

4. Create a people-focused video

It’s a proven fact that people respond better to videos that feature other people. This rule is even more important when you post a video to introduce your company and your brand: customers will trust you more if you show them the real people responsible for making the product.

Want to start tweeting video clips? Become an ace Twitter video maker with Movavi!

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