Marketing Videos

Online templates and handy hints for making cool marketing videos

Become a marketing video maker: free online templates for best results

If you want to attract new clients, increase sales, and build customer loyalty, create a marketing video. If you’re a busy beginning marketing video maker and you don’t have a lot of time, you can use one of the ready-made online templates in Fastreel by Movavi. The tips below will help you get great results.

Marketers and customers on video effectiveness



of marketers say videos help users understand the product better


of customers say a video has convinced them to buy software


of customers prefer to learn about a new product or service through a short video

Online templates for making marketing videos

Create marketing videos easily using ready-made templates in Fastreel by Movavi.

How to make videos for marketing purposes? Check out the short, simple tips below!

1. Set your goals

What are you planning to achieve by making a marketing video? Goals may vary a lot from one marketer to another: encourage people to purchase something, demonstrate a product, build brand loyalty, and much more. Correct goal-setting will help you get the results you need.

2. Define your audience

Ask yourself who your target audience is, where they live and work, what social group(s) they belong to, and how they will benefit from the product or service you’re offering. This will help you decide on the tone and style for your video and focus on what’s really important to your audience.

3. Create a script

Professional video creators always write a script before making a video. Structure and logical consistency are important even if your video is short. When writing a script, always remember your goal and your target audience – this will help you to make your video more successful.

4. Choose where to publish your video

The most obvious option for publishing a marketing video is YouTube – it has over a billion users and has flexible options. You can also use Facebook, Instagram, and other social media – publish your video in communities popular with your target audience. If you’re ready to spend money, a paid ad campaign can be a good option: your video will be shown directly to your target audience.

Are you ready to make cool marketing videos? Just click the button below to get started!

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